Teamwork and Coaching for Specific Epic Applications
In September of 2018 I was able to help with some one-on-one training related the nursing contributions to the treatment plan. I was able to sit down with a core OAP nurse who needed to monitor the treatment plan while the lead nurse was away. For an hour reviewed actual care plans and master treatment plans. By the end of the session he went from understanding very little of the care planning section to being able to independently recognize and complete all nursing requirements of the care plan.
In September 2018 I was able to help a nurse on the OAP who had just finished an admission, but kept getting an error message that would not allow her to start the MTP. It was not an obvious linking issue, as the current inpatient episode was active. However the encounter was linked to the pre-admission created by the contact center, not the admission itself. Once this was solved, I was able to spend about 30 minutes helping her create the nursing contribution to the MTP and add relevant medical concerns to the care plan.
On October 20, following the morning report, I checked the documentation that had been done on a patient that was still in restraints. I was quickly able to realize that not all of the Epic flow sheet columns had been addressed and the RN restraint note template had not been used. I was able to review with both night nurses what had been documented correctly, talked through the incomplete steps in this particular case, and referred them to the guides in the Learning Home Dashboard for the next time they might encounter a seclusion or restraint.