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Your Epic Road Map

A critical companion to the in-person Epic training sessions is the tip sheet.  Epic tip sheets are institution-specific guides to help users complete essential tasks for each discipline.  They feature accessible language, step by step instructions, and screenshots.  I personally created the following tip sheets, most of which are currently accessible within the Learning Home Dashboard of Epic.  Others were directly sent to specific users who had requested help.

Click any title to access document.

Documenting Child Seclusion or Restraint

Documenting Adolescent Seclusion or Restraint

Documenting Adult Seclusion or Restraint

Therapeutic Holds

Amending Restrictive Measures Charting

Nursing Admission Process

Nursing Shift Navigator

Documenting Group Programming

Documentation of Critical Labs or other Provider Notification

Spiritual Care

Medical Care Planning (for nurses)

Medication Barcode Scanning Errors

Influenza Vaccination Screening

Tobacco Assessments and Education

Giving a Medication Early

Cosigning Intern Notes for Supervisors

Discharge/Readmit process for Residential